Labels:text | screenshot | menu OCR: Although the ancient Greeks believed the earth to be round, it wasn't until the mid-1700s, when Captain James Cook sailed around the world, that this notion began to be widely accepted. The earliest recorded globe was made circa 150 B.C. in Greece; the oldest surviving globe was constructed by Martin Behaim in Germany in 1492, and is thought to have inspired Columbus on his historic westward voyage. But perhaps the most publicized globes were those made by Louis XIV's All isolated cartographer, Coronelli. In 1680, Coronelli designed his PPING objects in PATHS the Object masterpiece: an engraved, 15-foot globe with a door Series have a custom allowing as many as 30 people inside at a time. path embed- ded into the high resolution JPEG compressed file. PhotoDisc, Inc. PhotoDisc Europe, Ltd. ...